Photo-report from my September trip to Seville. I should say, that I consider the photos here to be especially good.
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Перевод статьи о хронологии последнего рейса поезда Alvia 151, потерпевшего крушение на подъезде к Сантьяго де Компостела, ставшее крупнейшей железнодорожной катастрофой в Испании за последние 40 лет.
Russian translation of article about last ride of Avlia 151, which crush close to Santiago de Compostela turned out to be the largest railroad catastrophe in the last 40 years.
Анализ статистики российских космических запусков в поисках ответа на вопрос «Можно ли говорить, что российская космическая программа медленно, но верно загибается?»
Analysis of reliability of space launches performed by USSR/Russia, and its’ comparison against performance of other countries.
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Impressions from a travel to a schientific conference in Switzerland. This part of the story is about Geneva, which I have visited on the way to the conference venue.
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Autobiographical post. Here I have decided to collect together my old photos, to see, how I was changing over the time :)
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For a while I have not posted anything, as I had not much to tell, so I decided to assemble one post from various nice photos taken recently.
Isn’t translated from Russian.